
Touromint Privacy Policy

At TouroMint, your privacy is of the utmost importance to us. We are committed to protecting your personal data and ensuring that your experience on our website is both enjoyable and secure. This Privacy Policy outlines how we collect, use, store, and protect your personal information when you use our website and services. This page will elaborate on the details of all the regulations on Privacy protection.

  1. Data Collection
  2. - Types of Data Collected: We collect various types of personal data, including but not limited to your name, contact information, payment details, travel preferences, and IP address. We may also gather information about your interactions with our website, such as pages visited and time spent on each page.

    - Purpose of Data Collection: We use your data to provide you with our services, personalize your experience, improve our offerings, and communicate with you about your bookings or promotions. Your data also helps us tailor exclusive flight deals and offers to your interests.

    - Sources of Data: Data may be collected directly from you during registration, booking, or communication with our team. We may also collect data indirectly through cookies and third-party services.

  3. Data Protection
  4. - Security Measures: We implement strong security measures to protect your personal data from unauthorized access, loss, or misuse. These measures include data encryption, secure servers, and access controls.

    - Data Retention: We retain your data only for as long as necessary to provide our services and fulfill legal or operational requirements. Once your data is no longer needed, we take steps to securely delete or anonymize it.

    - Data Sharing: We may share your data with trusted third parties, such as airlines, booking platforms, or payment processors, for the purpose of fulfilling your bookings and providing you with our services. These parties are required to protect your data in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

  5. User Rights
  6. - Access to Personal Data: You have the right to request access to the personal data we hold about you and receive a copy of it.

    - Data Correction: If you find any inaccuracies in your data, you can request corrections or updates to ensure its accuracy.

    - Data Deletion: You have the right to request the deletion of your personal data when it is no longer needed or when you withdraw your consent.

    - Data Portability: You can request the transfer of your data to another service provider if technically feasible.

    - Objection to Processing: You may object to certain data processing activities, such as direct marketing, based on your specific circumstances.

  7. Acceptance of Cookies
  8. - Purpose of Cookies: We use cookies to enhance your experience on our website. Cookies help us remember your preferences, analyze user behavior, and deliver personalized content and advertising.

    - Types of Cookies: We use different types of cookies, including functional cookies for essential website operations, analytical cookies to understand user interactions, and advertising cookies for targeted marketing.

    - Cookie Management: You can manage your cookie preferences at any time through your browser settings. This includes accepting or rejecting specific types of cookies based on your preferences.

    - Third-Party Cookies: We may use third-party cookies from partners such as analytics or advertising services. These cookies help us optimize our website and deliver targeted advertising.

    - Consent: By using our website, you consent to the use of cookies and similar tracking technologies as described in this Privacy Policy.

  9. Third-Party Links and Content
  10. - External Websites: Our website may contain links to third-party websites for your convenience. We are not responsible for the privacy practices or content of these external sites.

    - Third-Party Services: When you use third-party services through our website, such as booking platforms, their privacy policies apply. We encourage you to review their policies before providing any personal information.

  11. Children's Privacy
  12. - Age Restrictions: Our website and services are not intended for children under the age of 13. We do not knowingly collect personal data from children. If you believe your child has provided us with personal information, please contact us to request its removal.

  13. International Data Transfers
  14. - Cross-Border Data Transfer: Your data may be transferred to and processed in countries other than your own, where data protection laws may differ. We take steps to ensure that your data is adequately protected in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

  15. Changes to Privacy Policy
  16. - Policy Updates: We may update this Privacy Policy from time to time to reflect changes in legal or operational requirements. When changes occur, we will notify you by posting the updated policy on our website.

    - Reviewing Changes: We encourage you to review our Privacy Policy regularly to stay informed about how we protect your personal data.

  17. Contact Information
  18. - Questions and Concerns: If you have any questions or concerns about our Privacy Policy, please contact us at [insert contact email]. Or you can give us a call at our 24*7 available toll-free number [insert contact number] to clear out the doubts you have.

    Thank you for trusting TouroMint with your personal data. We are committed to safeguarding your privacy and providing you with the best possible experience on our website.